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Latest News

July 20, 2007 | Latest News

Senate Panel Adds Billions for Health New York Times

Defying a veto threat from President Bush, the Senate Finance Committee approved a major expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance Program on Thursday, with a majority of Republicans joining all Democrats on the panel in supporting the legisla…

July 19, 2007 | Latest News

President Bush Threatens Veto of SCHIP Legislation, Saying It Would Lead to People Dropping Private Health Coverage

Senate Finance Committee members on Friday finalized a bipartisan agreement on SCHIP reauthorization that would increase five-year funding for the program from $25 billion to $60 billion by raising the federal cigarette tax from 39 cents to $1 per pack…

July 19, 2007 | Latest News

Bush threatens to veto kid healthcare bill supported by Mitchell

In related news, the Partnership for Quality Care, a coalition of union and health care managers, on Friday is launching a $1.2 million television advertising campaign in support of increasing the tobacco tax to expand SCHIP.

July 18, 2007 | Latest News

Taxing the Smokers (More)

The Partnership for Quality Care, former SEIU/1199 President Dennis Rivera's latest endeavor, has a new TV ad calling for the expansion of SCHIP - a federal program that helps states provide low-cost health insurance to families too wealthy for Med…

July 18, 2007 | Latest News

New Push For Tobacco Tax Hike

The Partnership for Quality Care launched what it describes as a “seven-figure” national TV ad campaign calling on people to press Congress for a 61-cent hike in the federal tobacco tax to underwrite an expansion of the State Children&rsquo…

July 18, 2007 | Latest News, Press Releases

Seven-Figure Nationwide Television Ad Buy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 18, 2007CONTACT: Kate Navarro-McKay, 646-246-5906
Seven-Figure Nationwide Television Ad BuyUrges Tobacco Tax Increase as Solution to Expand SCHIP
Partnership for Quality Care Launches Campaign toBolster Children’s Hea…