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Press Releases

October 1, 2008 | Latest News, Press Releases

Statement from the Partnership for Quality Care Regarding Renewal of Massachusetts Medicaid Waiver

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 1, 2008 Contact:  Kate Navarro-McKay, 646-246-5906The Partnership for Quality Care applauds CMS and Governor Deval Patrick for their support of Massachusetts’ landmark achievement in expanding health care coverage.&nb…

August 26, 2008 | Latest News, Press Releases

Statement on the Census Bureau Report Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007

For Immediate Release August 26, 2008Contact:  Kate Navarro-McKay 646-246-5906 The U.S. Census Bureau report released today included the encouraging news that the number of uninsured in the U.S. declined slightly in 2007 from 47 million to 45.7 mi…

April 7, 2008 | Latest News, Press Releases

Frontline Caregivers, National Healthcare Providers Unveil What’s Working in the Battle Against Chronic Disease

For Immediate Release:March 19, 2008Contact: Mark Glaze, (202) 271-0982Frontline Caregivers, National Healthcare Providers Unveil What's Working in the Battle Against Chronic Disease: 11 Models Founded in Quality Form Cornerstone to Healthcare Refo…

March 4, 2008 | Latest News, Press Releases

Leading Minnesota Healthcare Organization Joins National Health Care Reform Partnership

March 4, 2008       Contact:  Kate Navarro-McKay, PQC 646-246-5906Joe Dangor HealthPartners 952-883-5223 Leading Minnesota Healthcare OrganizationJoins National Health Care Reform Partnership Partnership Seeks Hi…

February 26, 2008 | Latest News, Press Releases

PQC Statement on Healthcare Costs

For Immediate Release Contact: Kate Navarro-McKayFebruary 26, 2008 (646-246-5906)
We must reform our health care system to ensure the highest quality care is affordable and accessible for all Americans
Washington, DC – The report issued today by…

October 18, 2007 | Latest News, Press Releases

Statement on the House of Representatives Vote to Override Presidential Veto of SCHIP

Contact: Kate Navarro-McKay 646-246-5906
Statement from thePartnership for Quality Careon the 10-18-07 House of Representatives Vote to
Override Presidential Veto of SCHIP 
The Partnership for Quality Care is disappointed to see that the House&rsq…