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Health Care Worker Immunization Against Influenza


The Hospital Acquired Infection Workgroup recommended a goal to achieve a 90% staff influenza vaccination rate and reduce declinations by 50%.

PQC organized a press conference on February 5, 2013 featuring New York State Health Commissioner Nirav Shah, MD, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East President George Gresham, and Montefiore CEO Steven Safyer, MD. The event urged all health care workers to get a flu vaccine to keep themselves, their patients, and their families safe. Click here to see footage from the event.

PQC intends to launch a full-scale campaign encouraging healthcare workers to receive the flu immunization during the 2013-2014 flu season. Pre- and post-implementation data will be gathered to gauge success of the PQC effort. The pre-implementation immunization rate information will be gathered through a member survey to be initiated in the second quarter of 2013.

Following analysis of the survey a strategic plan will lay out best practices in use by PQC member institutions. Sharing and dissemination of information about effective approaches will be through a webinar series set to begin mid-year.

A fall webinar will kick off a major PQC campaign to showcase model programs and offer the opportunity to discuss approaches, successes and barriers to achieving the goal.

Post-implementation data will be collected first quarter of 2014.

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